The Raven

The Raven

Monday, March 21, 2011

Power to the People!

I have some catching up to do... so forgive me for the late news!

It is because of unions and negotiations that employers give their workers health insurance, raises, time and a half, paid holidays, vacations and sick days. Unions set the standard of what is acceptable as a employer-employee relashionship. Collective bargaining allows for a representative of the worker and the employer and a representative of the local gov't to sit and discuss a reasonable agreement that benefits both the employer and employee. Why are we people letting unions loose their power!? The people, workers united made unions! Employers are not doing us a favor by giving us a job. They need us to have a successful business. Unions are a necessary voice that works to prevent the worker from being taken advantage of.


  1. I like your post, and especially the last part of how people don't hire as a form of benefitting society or being nice. It's also perfect timing for me since we're learning about the Industrial Revolution in school right now and that was a portion of time where working conditions and such started becoming an issue.

  2. I must be psycho... I mean psychic!! Thanks for reading!!
