Is all hope for CHANGE lost?! For many years I have realized that to Washington, the working class doesn't count; the closest some of the Democrats have come to knowing my kind of people is the middle class. Once Obama entered the campaign for president in 2008 it was the first time I ever felt inspired because he seemed to recognize the working class, and was set on making things better for us drowning down here. He sends my Dad $60 bucks a month, and pays for him to go back to school since his job was lost because of outsourcing. I am still hopeful in Obama; the people cannot loose the fire inside we had in 2004!!
The House has a 242 majority of Republican's, 193 Democrats. Thankfully we got some healthcare reform before yesterday- the new healthcare law states that insurannce companies cannot drop people when they get sick, as they could before and the Republicans want to repeal this; they obviously have never been where the people have been, fearing, obsessing over how they are going to pay to get well and feed their family. Before Obama came to Washinton, too many American jobs were lost to outsourcing, we plummeted into an economic depression, unemployment reached Depression-era percenatges. Obama came in just in time to save us from the second Great Depression. Thankfully, the Democrats still have the Senate and White House.
I loved watching The Ed Show tonight on MSNBC; Ed Shultz was so angry at the lack of fire in Obama today after the defeat in the House. Obama said he is willing to comprimise with the Republicans; the Republicans, especially the new speaker, John Boehner, who are tenacious on defeating him, perhaps even trying to impeach him! It truly seems that is ALL they set upon doing while Obama, and any Democrats for that matter, are in Congress; they do not seem interested in any noble acts like improving the dire state of our country. The Republicans, who are oppossed to cutting taxes for the middle and below classes, and yet they go on and on about how they will lower taxes and Democrats want to raise them, for such essential things such as EDUCATION, the base of society. The Republicans, who have set record numbers of fillibusters to stop all of Obama's changes. Ed was baffled at why Obama is willing to comprimise with these 'crazies.' All they want to do is concentrate the power again.
I have a couple of ideas to why Obama seemed so burned out... He could be using a Civil Rights movement tact- non-violent resistence, not reacting violently to violence to reveal how wrong the offender is. He may also think that if Republicans now have the majority of the House and neither side bends for comprimise, nothing will get done for the people. I agree with Al Sharpton, who appeared on The Ed Show tonight, saying it is up to the people to fight for what needs to be done in Congress, to show that our support in Obama is not lost.
I stopped playing the Voting Game.